Keynote Storyteller:
Caitlin Horrocks
Caitlin Horrocks is author of the story collections Life Among the Terranauts and This Is Not Your City, both New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice selections. The Wall Street Journal named her novel The Vexations one of the Ten Best Books of 2019. Her stories and essays appear in The New Yorker, The Best American Short Stories, The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories, The Pushcart Prize, The Paris Review, One Story, and other journals and anthologies. She teaches at Grand Valley State University and lives in Grand Rapids with the writer W. Todd Kaneko and their three noisy children.
Storyteller Auditions for
Mom Always Says 2025
Stories of Motherhood in Celebration of Mother’s Day
Auditions via Google Meet Thursdays, January 16 and 23
from 7:00 to 9:00p.m.
Event date: Friday, May 9, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
(Doors open at 6:30)
at Fountain Street Church
This event is underwritten by Fountain Street Church as part of their Great Speakers Series
Fundraiser for CASA
Empowering volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children
by being their voice in court
Tell your story to help change a CASA child’s story.
Use Sign-up Genius to schedule your audition time slot. You will see a Zoom Meeting ID for your time.
Your story should be structured as a narrative (think Little Red Riding Hood not TEDTalks) and should be under 10 minutes. *Audition stories can be just a few minutes. We want to get a sense of your story but don’t expect the whole thing to be completed.
The best stories are specific and personal with a universal theme or appeal. Please avoid stories that are addressed only to your family members.
Avoid simply elaborating on a moral or value. Put our audience into the story with details and an engaging presentation style.
We welcome humor. We welcome stories from diverse perspectives. We welcome stories from people who are not mothers themselves. We welcome stories that deal with the difficult aspects of motherhood.
Storytellers will be invited to attend a rehearsal prior to the event and record their stories in advance for the podcast It’s About Writing.
The event will be videotaped, and we will ask all storytellers to sign a release.
Our goal is to have an audience to support our storytellers and to raise as much money as we can for CASA. We will ask storytellers to help us promote the event and to sell tickets. If you are unable to do so, please let us know.
When auditions are open, we will provide a link here so you can schedule your audition time slot. You will see a Google Meet link for your time.
Or submit a video of your story via email. Contact Lisa McNeilley with questions or to send an audition video.
We will use The Moth Radio Tips and Tricks to judge submissions: We are looking for stories that entertain and share experiences and emotions about motherhood—they can be about being a mother, about not being a mother, stories about your mother, or discussions of the nature of motherhood–we are open to any ideas.
Please don’t read–speak from the heart. Storytellers can use outlines or note cards when speaking.
Storytellers will have the opportunity to pre-record their stories for the podcast It’s About Writing to be aired on WYCE.
Fundraiser for CASA
Empowering volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children by being their voice in court
Last Year’s Event: Saturday, May 4, 2024
at 5:30 p.m.
(storytelling at 6:00)
at Fountain Street Church
This event is underwritten by Fountain Street Church as part of their
Great Speakers Series
Purchase tickets HERE
We are raising funds for CASA you can donate directly here:
Keynote speaker: Pulitzer Prize nominated poet, Linda Nemec Foster.
You can purchase her books at the event or pre-order books here.
Linda is donating a portion of the proceeds from book sales to CASA!
Introduction by Michigan Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks
Mom Always Says is a storytelling event celebrating all facets of motherhood, from those who are mothers, those who have mothers, those who have lost mothers. Families can enjoy a beautiful and inspiring night in honor of Mother's Day. We are telling stories to change the stories of so many children by raising funds for CASA of Kent County: Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children. Mom Always Says is underwritten by Fountain Street Church and will be held in their community center on Saturday, May 5. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and the program will start at 6:00 p.m. Ticket prices include a charcuterie buffet and light beverages.
Linda Nemec Foster
Keynote Speaker
A Poet’s Journey: A Daughter Forgives Her Mother; A Mother Nurtures Her Daughter
Linda Nemec Foster’s first collection, A History of the Body, was published in 1987. Since then, she has published over ten collections of poetry including The Lake Michigan Mermaid (2019 Michigan Notable Book). Her work appears in magazines and journals such as The Georgia Review, Nimrod, New American Writing, 2022 Best Small Fictions Anthology, and Best Spiritual Literature 2023 among others. She has received over 30 nominations for the Pushcart Prize and awards from the Arts Foundation of Michigan, National Writer’s Voice, Dyer-Ives Foundation, The Poetry Center (New Jersey), Fish Anthology (Ireland), and the Academy of American Poets. In 2023, she won first prize in the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Contest. A new collection of prose poetry, Bone Country, was published in 2023 and has also been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. The inaugural Poet Laureate of Grand Rapids, Michigan (2003-05), Foster is the founder of the Contemporary Writers Series at Aquinas College.
Rachel Cain
Lipstick Ladies
Rachel Cain is a storyteller, writer, and creator whose candid tales of religious deconstruction have captivated over 500,000 followers on TikTok (@iblamebill). With an engaging mix of vulnerability and humor (and occasional ADHD tangents), this Grand Rapids native brings an authentic, out-of-the-box voice to the stage. Rachel is a three-time winner of The Moth StorySLAM, has been featured on The Moth Radio Hour, authored two books, and hosts the "Millstone Collector" podcast. When she's not doom scrolling on Tiktok or stuffing her face with Oreos, you can find her turning trauma into stories for her Substack newsletter.
Lisa McNeilley
A Beehive Hairdo and a Faux Leopard Coat
Lisa McNeilley is an educator, editor, and writer who believes in the transformative power of storytelling. She has spent the last few years helping others tell their stories, including What I Can Do, a memoir of Mary K. Hoodhood, and DB Cooper and Me, which purports to solve the only unsolved hijacking in FBI history. She has recently started a podcast, It’s About Writing which will air on WYCE if she and her cohost can figure out how to edit it. She spends the rest of her free time trying to convince her kids she is hilarious and fun so they will want to spend time with her, enjoying time with her husband, and organizing fun events.
Ingrid Fournier
Mama Altijd Zegt
Ingrid Hekman Fournier loves to tell stories. In 2006, she began writing “Mom and Dad-isms” sharing brief memories of her parents after they had both passed away. They are simple snapshots. Selfishly, she started this process to keep their memories alive but then began publishing them on her blog and social media. Since then, the stories continue. Ingrid is a wife, mother, and newly retired teacher turned public library manager in Scottville, MI. Her writing mentors are Anne Lamott for her frank and honest voice, Mary Oliver for her passion for nature, and Erma Bombeck because laughter is what will get us all through this journey called life.
Penni Weninger
Out of this World
Penni Luber Weninger is a proud native Jersey Girl who came to West Michigan in 2004 after a long career in the casino industry in Atlantic City. Since retiring from Grand Rapids Community College in 2017, she volunteers for Women’s Resource Center, Temple Emanuel Food Bank and GRCC Retirees. She is active with Peninsula Writers, as well as efforts to preserve our public education and getting out the vote.
Kerrie DeBoer
Lessons Learned
Kerrie DeBoer practices yoga and enjoys canoeing, often combining both activities as she balances a glass of wine amid the lapping waves. She is a 2nd Grade teacher trying not to say anything unfiltered to students between now and the end of the school year. Kerrie is a mother that loves her two children, Conner and Lindsay, not just because they don’t live with her, but also because they are remarkable humans. Kerrie is also a wife in a partnership that allows her to shine. Escaping in their 1989 Volkswagen camper van to read and write is her favorite getaway. Lessons Learned is a story about messy parenting tips and mostly a testament to how much she’s learned from her two kids.
Justine Hooper
Generational Gifts
Justine is a 34 year old Broker/Owner and Mentor of a real estate company she founded in 2022 called Amplified Real Estate.
She has been married for almost 15 years and has a four year old son.
She has gone through a healing journey with her own mother and has watched as her siblings have all dealt with their own journeys and is excited to see what the future holds for all of them.
Sean Duffie
My Momma Could Be Your Friend
Sean Duffie is a career educator and poet, dedicated to building enthusiasm for language, culture, and literature among his students. He currently serves as president of the Board of Directors for the Diatribe, a community arts activism organization that elevates youth and community members of West Michigan. A Fulbright scholar and director of ROAM Language Experiences study abroad programs, Sean is a globally minded traveler and storyteller. He has performed poetry in the United States and abroad, and brings his passion for writing to his student as advisor to his school’s poetry slam and writing team. Sean holds an Education Specialist degree in administration and a Master’s in Spanish literature and culture education from the Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico. He is a resident of Kentwood, Michigan.
Storyteller Auditions for
Mom Always Says
Stories of Motherhood in Celebration of Mother’s Day
Keynote speaker: Pulitzer Prize nominated poet, Linda Nemec Foster.
You can order her books and learn more about Linda on her website at
Event date: Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. (storytelling at 6:00)
at Fountain Street Church
This event is underwritten by Fountain Street Church as part of their Great Speakers Series.
Auditions via Zoom: Thursday, February 29 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
and Sunday, March 3 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
More information below.
Fundraiser for CASA
Empowering volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children by being their voice in court
Tell your story to help change a CASA child’s story.
Use Sign-up Genius to schedule your audition time slot. You will see a Zoom Meeting ID for your time.
Or submit a video of your story via email. Contact Lisa McNeilley with questions or to send an audition video.
We will use The Moth Radio Tips and Tricks to judge submissions: We are looking for stories that entertain and share experiences and emotions about motherhood—they can be about being a mother, stories about your mother, or discussions of the nature of motherhood–we are open to any ideas.
Stories should be structured with a beginning, middle, and end, and be under 10 minutes. *Audition stories can be just a few minutes. We want to get a sense of your story but don’t expect the whole thing to be completed.
Please don’t read–speak from the heart.